
"maven-wocreator-plugin" is a Maven plug-in that can be used to create initial Maven 2-based project templates for J2EE WebObjects applications.

You do not need this plug-in in order to use Maven to build WebObjects applications -- it just takes away some of the manual steps in creating the initial project structure. It's equivalent to XCode's "New WebObjects Application" Wizard or WOLips's "New WOApplication", for creating a boilerplate WebObjects application, in this case ready to build and deploy as a conventional J2EE WAR.

Developing with, and deploying, the produced WAR project requires only Maven 2 and Java, with no particular IDE, Operating System or SDK (WebObjects) dependencies.


There are no other OS, IDE or SDK requirements for basic usage.


  1. Download the latest source code and expand the archive.
  2. Install the maven-wocreator-plugin in your local maven repository by executing the following Maven 2 command from a command-line inside the expanded archive:
    > mvn install


To create a new Maven-based WebObjects J2EE project called 'HelloMavenWOrld', execute the following command from a command-line inside the directory where you want to store your project:

> mvn com.bbc.newsi.mvn.plugins:maven-wocreator-plugin:create-project \
-DgroupId=org.example \
-DprojectName=HelloMavenWOrld \
-Drepository=[http://somedomain.com/repo] \

Replace [http://somedomain.com/repo] with a url that points to a Maven repository containing the WebObjects .jars, which might typically be your internal corporate Maven or Archiva repository.

This will create a Maven project template with two modules:

The template project should build and run without any modification. You can test this by executing the following Maven command from a command-line inside the newly created 'HelloMavenWOrld' directory:

> mvn package

... which should compile and build (downloading any dependencies required the first time around from your specified Maven repository and the internet), followed by ...

> mvn jetty:run-war

... to run your WAR within the lightweight Jetty container. (As per usual with Maven-based development, you do not need to have installed Jetty; all required components will be downloaded and installed by Maven the first time you issue this command.)

To access your running application, direct your browser at: http://localhost:8080/HelloMavenWOrld/WebObjects/HelloMavenWOrld.woa

... substituting host name and application name as applicable.


The following screen-cast was prepared as a 'backup' for a live presentation at the inaugural WOWODC conference (in case the live presentation went pear-shaped). Thankfully it wasn't needed on the day, but is included here to show how the 'wocreator' plugin can be used.

Please Note: Some details in the screen-cast are incorrect. For example, the plugin should be downloaded from the sourceforge site, not the url given in the screen-cast.

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